My vocation is to help people feel good about their bodies again. From my own experience I know how it feels when the body becomes ill and how much this can affect the joy of life. And how much fear it can cause when the body no longer cooperates or suddenly restricts you.
And how much freedom it means to have a fit and healthy body. This is the prerequisite to activate your inner strength, to feel joy in life and to develop your own creativity. Life is only fun when you feel healthy all around.
It makes me all the more happy to see my clients get better again and to see that they can enjoy their lives again and come more and more into their inner strength and live themselves.
My work is very intense and I do it with all my heart. Therefore, I only want to work with people who are open to it.
This is not for you if you:
- are not ready to change
- blaming external circumstances and not wanting to take responsibility for yourself
- looking for someone who makes you healthy without doing anything for it themselves
- can name many reasons why something does not work
This is for you if you:
- long for a change, but something is holding you back
- want to leave all limitations behind you
- are open for energetic work
- finally want to be healthy
- want to feel good in your body
- are open to the fact that everything is possible
I look forward to seeing you,
A shamanic healing session is a powerful ritual in which energetic blockages and past traumas are dissolved and your body is brought back into balance..
In the angel healing session I work with the high energies of the archangels to treat especially physical illnesses and symptoms.
Heidi S. aus Nürnberg
Dear Frank, the angel healing session was a very special experience. I thank you very much for that. I let myself fall confidently into your gift. There was a "depth" in me that strengthened my faith in my guardian angel.
Sandra R. aus Köln
Dear Frank, thank you from the bottom of my heart for the beautiful healing treatment that packed me into a safe, warm and secure cocoon, a shelter that was just right. My chakras were completely balanced after your healing, which resulted in peace and serenity and I was in total harmony with myself.
You supported exactly the self-healing powers I needed to deal with my current issues - gently and healingly.
Britta C. aus Leipzig
Already during the first contact in the preliminary talk with Frank I could feel how sensitive and clairvoyant he could respond to me. For the first healing session we met via Zoom in the virtual room. The session was intense and very healing. I was able to give myself fully and had the feeling: here I can be myself completely, show myself as I am, give myself away and be trusting like a child.
The shamanic healing session was mysterious, intense, accompanied by rattles and beautiful chants, the sacred drum, all of which took me directly into other worlds. I was able to release deep blockages, was gently and lovingly supported and held by Frank and the spirits, who I could clearly feel during the process.
Immediately afterwards I had the feeling of having arrived on Mother Earth. Attachments had disappeared, I was calm and in complete primal trust. Frank is an incredibly sensitive, gentle healer whom I can highly recommend.
- +49 (0) 171 750 41 74
- Am Hirtenberg 15, 92275 Hirschbach
shamanic healing session

A shamanic healing session is a powerful ritual in which energetic blockages and past traumas are dissolved and your body is brought back into balance.
In a shamanic healing session we release all the things that are preventing you from moving forward. Whether it is about better health, more fulfilling relationships or professional success, all things that show up in your life have an energetic origin.
Through a healing treatment your energies come back into flow so that you can create the life you desire.
Procedure of the healing session
First we talk briefly about your topic, i.e. why you have come, what you would like to heal or change. Then you lie down and I work on your energy field. I cleanse your chakras, your energy body and balance your energy field. Together with my “healing team”, my spirit guides and spiritual helpers, we bring your energy field back into balance. Afterwards I make a shamanic journey to find and dissolve the cause of your issue and to retrieve lost soul parts. At the end of the session your energy field will be strengthened with an outer protection. After the treatment there is a short follow-up talk in which I tell you what I have seen and done. And of course what you can do to support your healing.
A healing session is a transformative journey back to you, to the part that is still connected to Source.
I usually work remotely either by phone or Zoom. But in exceptional cases you can also arrange a personal session.
A shamanic healing session usually lasts 1 hour.
Depending on what you need, I offer the following packages:
Deer 250,– €
1 healing session á 1 hour
Bear 690,– €
3 healing sessions á 1 hour
Hummingbird 1100,– €
5 healing sessions á 1 hour
Eagle 1900,– €
10 healing sessions á 1 hour
In order to prepare yourself for your shamanic healing treatment, it is good if you do not eat meat, drink alcohol and eat as little sugar as possible a few days beforehand. All this lowers your vibration and in order to dissolve things you need a vibration that is as high as possible so that the blockages can be broken and cleared.
Find a quiet place where you are undisturbed during the healing session and where you can lie down comfortably. Turn off your phone or mobile and have a warm, cosy blanket ready. Because you often feel chilly during the session when heavy energies are released.
Angel Healing Session

In the angelic healing session I work with the high energies of the archangels to treat especially physical illnesses and symptoms.
An angel healing session is an extraordinary and particularly effective method to treat physical ailments. The qualities of the different archangels stand for different elements that make up our body.
Together with my “healing team”, i.e. my spirit guides and spiritual helpers, we bring your energy field back into balance and harmonise your energy body.
With the help of the archangel energies, things can be dissolved, balanced, materialised and restructured on a physical level. During the session, an intensive impulse is given to the body to return it to its healed original state and to activate the self-healing powers. For example, organs can be stimulated, cell growth can be stimulated or circuits can be balanced.
When treating physical symptoms and complaints, it is helpful to give short and intensive impulses more often. Therefore I offer different packages:
Single 80,– €
Michael 220,– €
3 x angel healing session á 30 minutes
Gabriel 325,– €
5 x angel healing session á 30 minutes
Raphael 550,– €
10 x angel healing session á 30 minutes
The session is tailored to you and your specific problem. For acute cases I advise daily sessions, for chronic cases rather sessions spread over several weeks. Therefore, I offer a anamnesis conversation before the beginning of the angel healing session in order to adjust the treatment to your personal needs. During the angel healing session, I work remotely and the anamnesis conversation takes place over the phone.
Procedure of the Angel Salvation Session:
Before the first treatment, as already mentioned, there is an anamnesis conversation in which you briefly tell me about your complaints and medical history and what you have already done for your healing. In this conversation we also clarify the best treatment sequence for you. For the following angel healing sessions there is no preliminary talk, but you lie down at the agreed time while the archangels work on your body through me. As a reminder I will send you a short message again before I start. At the end of the session I send you a short message that I have finished and what I have seen and done. An angel session is an intensive healing impulse for the body, which means that the body is still working. Therefore it is good if you have some time for yourself after the treatment.
In order to prepare yourself for your angel healing session, it is good if you do not drink alcohol, eat no meat and as little sugar as possible a few days before. All these things lower your vibration. To bring your body back into balance and to stimulate your immune system, however, you need as high a vibration as possible. Find a quiet place where you are undisturbed during the session and where you can lie down comfortably. Have a warm, cosy blanket ready. Often you feel chilly during the treatment when heavy energies are released.
My path to shamanism...
… led to the strong desire to be able to help my loved ones with health problems. At least I thought at the time that this was the only motivation for my interest in shamanic healing. But I’d rather tell you from the beginning:

My health, or rather my lack of health, used to show itself in increasingly severe back and hip pain, which eventually forced me to stop and think about what was going wrong in my life. It wasn’t until my body showed me that it couldn’t go on like this that I admitted to myself what I had actually known for some time, that I no longer enjoyed my work.
I just didn’t know what I wanted to do instead. And finally, I also had a family who depended on my earnings.
Because of my back pain, I went to the health centre for back training and that’s where I met Ralph Riedel. We got to talking and I found very exciting what he told about shamanic healing.
My wife at the time had extreme health problems, not least because of this we decided to take part in a group healing session together and although the drumming and rattling seemed a little strange to me at first, my interest in this other, energetic world was aroused.
A short time later I met my Reiki teacher and I decided to do a Reiki training. There I dived into this other world for the first time. From then on, I knew that I definitely wanted to do something in this direction professionally.
I tried out a few more things, but shamanism wouldn’t let me go. More and more often I got hints about it and then by chance I met Ralph again. And I don’t believe in coincidences. I had such a strong impulse that I followed my heart and applied for shamanic training at the ‘White Sage School’ without knowing exactly what to expect. Also and above all connected with the wish to be able to help my wife, my own well-being was not yet in the foreground for me at that time. As time went on, the desire to help others was also the way to help myself find a new, more suitable path in life.
Looking back, I am not sure if I would have taken the step if I had known how this training would change my life. I was accepted and the next 4 years were the most intense of my life. I was immersed in a completely different world. The crowning glory was another spiritual journey to Peru where I worked with the Qero shamans.
I learned so much about myself in the shamanic training with Ralph Riedel and Irina Dittert, about the origins of illnesses and energetic healing and all the worlds a shaman can travel to. And above all, I have been able to heal my loved one and myself. So not only did I heal my then wife, I also healed my own back pain and a lot from my past. I was so enthusiastic that I also wanted to help others to become healthy again.
Eventually I took the plunge and gave up my job as a sign maker and have been working as a healer and shaman ever since.
Later I did an angel training with Ralph, which is a great complement to the shamanic work and incredibly effective for physical symptoms. Working with the high energies of the archangels is so beautiful, as if you were in heaven for half an hour.
Every healing is like a small miracle.
I would be very happy to accompany you, so that you can feel good again in your body and enjoy life again.
I look forward to seeing you,
Frank Seffner
Legal notice:
The energetic treatments offered are neither medical nor psychological treatments. Participation is at your own risk and does not replace medical or psychotherapeutic care.